Barnoldswick bars
Looking for bars in Barnoldswick? Local people who live in Barlick have put together a helpful list of Barnoldswick bars.
If you can't find what you're after in this list of bars but know of one - either in Barnoldswick itself or nearby - you can hit add bars to the Barnoldswick A to Z - your knowledge and help will be appreciated. Thank you to all the local bars experts who have contrbuted so far.
bars in Barnoldswick
The Barlick Tap
Cask and craft ale bar with over 40 different beers from UK, Belgium, Germany and beyond 8 Newtown, Barnoldswick BB18 ...
details Rolls Royce Leisure
Restaurant, bar and ballroom Skipton Road, Barnoldswick BB18 6HJ 01282 817515
details The Greyhound
Community-owned pub in Barnoldswick 61 Manchester Road, Barnoldswick BB18 5PW 01282 547275
details McCullough’s
Bar and restaurant within Barnoldswick Music & Arts Centre 18 - 22 Rainhall Road, Barnoldswick BB18 5AF 01282 813374
details bars