Barnoldswick groups

Looking for groups in Barnoldswick? Local people who live in Barlick have put together a helpful list of Barnoldswick groups.

If you can't find what you're after in this list of groups but know of one - either in Barnoldswick itself or nearby - you can hit add groups to the Barnoldswick A to Z - your knowledge and help will be appreciated. Thank you to all the local groups experts who have contrbuted so far.

groups in Barnoldswick


Creative Writing Group

Tuesdays, 10am to 12 noon Barnoldswick library Get together with like minded people to get ideas and inspiration for writing ...

Craft and Chat

Wednesdays, 10am to 12 noon Barnoldswick library Come along and have a craft and chat, share ideas, tips and patterns. ...

Board Games for Adults

Let's Play Real Games Wednesdays, 2pm to 4pm Barnoldswick library Traditional board games are enjoying growing popularity in our digital ...

Lego Club

Saturdays, 10am to 12 noon Barnoldswick library Calling all master builders and Lego enthusiasts! Come and share your passion and ...

Bounce and Rhyme

Baby and Toddler Bounce and Rhyme Thursdays, 11am to 11.30 Barnoldswick library Enjoy lively sing-along songs, gentle movements, and rhymes ...

Barnoldswick in Bloom

Barnoldswick in Bloom is a group that's dedicated to increasing civic pride in our town and creating pleasanter and more ...

West Craven Probus Club

Club for retired or semi-retired people from all walks of life - may include business or professional people. The group ...
Probus Club logo

Seniors Pop-in Group

Drop in to enjoy a drink and a chat with old and new friends Tuesday mornings 9.30 - 11.30am Frank ...
photo barnoldswick seniors pop-in group

eco Barnoldswick

We are people living and working in or around Barnoldswick... and we're taking practical steps to improve our environment. We ...
